asato mA sat gamaya
tamaso mA jyotir gamya
mRtyormA amRtam gamaya
May we progress from untruth to truth; may we move from
darkness to light; may we pass from death to immortality.
AthAto brahman jiJnAsA -
now then the curiosity to know all this (i.e., brahman or the Vedic universe). With these words, Brahman Sutra starts us on
our journey to knowledge. We are by our innate nature curious beings. It is our curiosity that leads us to ask questions about
what we do not know and to seek answers for them. I have written these pages for those who are curious and eager to learn.
Perhaps at least a handful will find something of value here. I hope others will tolerate what I have written.
it is your turn. If you wish, you can ask me your questions in my guestbook or you may send me an IM. Or, you may send me
an e-mail by clicking on the link below. I will try to answer your questions to the best of my ability.
Finally, I offer this meditation to ShrI gaNesha with
the prayer that he enlighten all who meditate on him. May he shower his grace on all who approach him in humility.